FREE Baby Einstein DVD!

Exclusive Cardmember Offer –Pay only $1.00 shipping and processing! – A savings of up to $3.99 when you use your Disney’s Visa Credit Card.

Baby Einstien

About Baby Einsteinâ„¢ Products
We know babies are naturally curious and fascinated by the sights and sounds around them. We also know that every moment of every day in a baby’s early years is an opportunity for discovery and interaction. Designed specifically for babies and toddlers, Baby Einstein™ products work individually and collectively to provide fun and stimulating ways for parents to interact with their children. Our DVDs introduce youngsters to the world around them by using real-world objects, music, art, language, science, poetry and nature in playful, enriching ways.

Don’t Let Your Baby Miss Out!
Don’t wait another minute to share this rewarding experience with your child! Call us at 1-800-536-6561 today to get your FREE DVD! Plus, when you become a subscriber with your Disney’s Visa Credit Card, you’ll get $3.99 off the first shipping and processing charge! Once you receive your FREE Baby Beethoven™ DVD and Bonus Music CD—the fun doesn’t end! As a subscriber, you’ll receive a new DVD/Video title of the 14 titles in the Baby Einstein series every 4-6 weeks to preview risk-free for 10 days. Keep the titles you enjoy and pay just $16.95 each ($14.95 VHS) plus $4.95 shipping and processing. There is no minimum purchase required or obligation. You may cancel your subscription at any time.


*Plus 1.00 shipping and processing on the Free DVD only, when you use your Disney’s Visa Credit Card. Subsequent shipping is $4.99 for each shipment.